This is a good antenna!
Stuck with a small garden in a small cottage and a noisy environmentI had been playing with a Mag loop.
Frustrated with the continual tuning I spotted this on ebay.
I had used delta loops before,with good results.
The antenna arrived carefully wrapped and it was easy to put up.
I assembled and placed on a portable mast,added coax and the ft817 was attached.
I found great reception on all hf bands.
Howard suggested an Auto ATU and when it arrived it quickly found a match on all the bands.
Ten and Six metres were open and I worked European and UK stations.
Reports were good and I was easily heard .
I noticed a reduction in noise and the signal to noise level improved over both dipole and mag loop.
I have tried wspr,and reverse beacon reporting and it works!
Now perhaps the construction is a little light and simple,but it could be easily used portable.
There were other solutions to a multbandi antenna, some needed radials and some would not fit the garden.
All were more expensive.
I had a problem with the "magic box" ballun,and all was sorted quickly and without fuss by Howard.
With the new risk assesment for EMF the antenna fits easily in the top of the garden is away from people and is reasonably sized not to get objected too.
I am very pleased with the results I am getting .
I found the Delta Loop to be the always go to antenna no matter what the band. Nice and quiet and get the results. Highly recommended