Here Is The First Tried Today A Delta Loop With Howards, Own Designed Transformer.
This Covers 40m - 4m Tunes Up With A LOW Power Setting On The Radio Very Quickly
The Best Point Is It's Very Quiet With Noise, It Out PERFORMED My MQ1 Mini Beam On 20m-6m.
Howard says It Works Well At Just 4m Off The Ground, Which It Did 1st QSO on 20m as QRPP 1watt
To IK4LZH His Report Was 5/930 On My Receive, He Gave Me A 5/7 Strong Audio.
As You Will See In Pictures It Is 6m Off The Ground Had It Up To 12m Best Results From QTH Was At 8m.
But That Is With Trees & Houses All Around Which Are All Higher Than All My Antennas, Always A Struggle From Here.
Do A Search On The Net For " G4YKB Delta Loop Review " Not Seem A Review Below 5/5 !
Bought on 09/06/2019 see my logbook on QRZ for M6OXO from 09-19/06/2019 using a FT-817 max output 4.8watts.
My real interest was for the MAGIC BAND 6meters & it has been MAGIC with this DELTA LOOP my 1st ever used. Tonight 19/06/2019 worked CX3AAU & LU3MCJ on 4watts one was a new country
for me.
RSGBs 50Mhz contest with antenna 1.5m off the deck due to winds, winds were blowing over night antenna went over & sister ran over it Howard had the bits to get me up & running again for that 24Hr contest. Map of contacts which I worked with the DELTA LOOP our ran my MQ1 mini beam (6,10,12,15 & 20m coverage)
From a proper HAPPY customer who is buying another for my best mate who has the same problems as I had from my QTH.

This is the map of 6m contacts on 50Mhz Trophy contest June 2019

DELTA LOOP on low stand 1.5m tall.

DELTA LOOP UP AT 8m same results as being low to ground, these poles fit on the tow bar as well so a NO BRAINER for going portable any height to 6m (1.5m sections)

Out over the 27-28/07/2019 working 3 watts on FT-817 see log screen shots below of where this antenna worked please remember we are at the lowest point solar cycle cannot wait till
were back on the good times.

From top to number 74 is the IOTA countries I worked as QRP/P I don't get these distances on my beams, but on Howard's Vertical & Delta loop have had some fantastic results. My mate Tony 2E0UOG always said he could not hear the stations I was listening too & working so I got one of the delta loops for his birthday NOW he can hear & work them. Will review the long wire when I set it up, some work moving masts about & trees for a trim. 73
Another update on the 40m DELTA LOOP of Howard's. Just got the results of the World Wide WPX Contest running 4w finished 1st in England, 6th in Europe & 8th in the World.
The 48hr CQWWDX contest is on this weekend 30/10/2021 from 00:00:01 to 23:59:59 31/10/2021. Depending on the WX if I'm going /P or from the QTH but I will be using all three of Howard's antennas. Vertical will be on the tow-bar on a 3m pole. The delta loop will be on a drive on mast up at 6m on a rotator not really needed, but with the noise on HF over last weekend, just a minor movement can make only a slight difference as it's omni directional but can reduce noise levels at a flick of a switch might only be a few degrees to 180 degrees. Why you might say there is a slight forward to back gain having the Pl259 at the rear of the antenna, next to nothing on a meter but if doing some serious contesting you have to use the best available configuration as possible.
The long wire I place on electric fence pole's you see on farms & horse paddocks there one meter in length with a 5" nail in the base with a foot shoulder to get in hard ground. I tend to use on the seawall with six poles having drilled eight 6mm holes for poles to slot in. The long wire can be anything from 6" above the wall to one meter, furthest away has a insulator clipped on the pole. Where the balun / transformer is I use another pole with a weight on it to keep everything straight ( no kinks or bends )
This antenna I then add a counterpoise and throw it into the SEA there's no bigger ground plane! ( works the same by fresh water same as sea water but the velocity factor is only one percent lower in fresh water difference basically nothing ) But if your inland use the same fence poles as I do & start with the long wire just 6" above ground level, then next up is 12" etc. to maximum of 1m/3ft VHF & UHF get them up as high as you can but with HF the lower the better. I use RG58 & RGmini8 coax as what loss in HF is next to nothing, but again very losey on VHF & UHF.
If you think some bands are rubbish & you never get a QSO on the likes of 10 & 15m YOU WILL this weekend even on top band 160m.
I'll be running my short contest call G4Y this weekend if you hear me give me a call, all points gained from all QSO's count to final score. If you have a go just to work some bands, use to find your maidenhead square go to resources, grid finder ( starts in the USA zoom out & move red pointer to UK then center the red marker and zoom in just keep moving red pointer till you hit your street on zoom then you will have your locator square. Typical contact even if the station is only 4/3 you give everyone a 5/9 & you will get a 5/9 as everyone will be on PC logging programs.
G9ABC YOUR 5/9 SERIAL NUMBER IS 001 FROM IO83JK everyone you work Serial numbers go up every QSO 002-003-004 etc. Hope that will give you a heads up on the basic's on contesting
Good DX stay safe.
Brian De M6OXO ( G4Y )