Saturday 29/06/2019 heard a lot of stations on beam & wires, so decided to go Portable by the beach 10 miles from the QTH. What a difference over my beams on 20m & long wires on 40m. Worked over a couple of hours including a lot of inter "G" as well as overseas. These countries that were worked worst report was 5/4 best after asking for a real report as being QRP was 5/910 into these countries Canada, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Bonaire, Italy, Germany, Spain, Russia & Slovenia. Was on FT-817 running 3watts with the vertical topping out at 25 feet. Had mate 2E0UOG on phone getting reports of what he was getting on same frequencies, he was getting nothing due to the wall of noise QSB but was very surprised to hearing what I was getting off this vertical. I do have a few QRP vertices for maximum output of 10watts this antenna leaves them at the starting post. Other counties worked in the week was Paraguay, Malaysia, Chile, Saudi, Madeira Island, Cape Verdi & Argentina. BARGAIN ANTENNA also will tune from 6-80m with a ATU all radios are different & you will find where on radio is resonant on a band & swop to another radio might be a different resonant band, but if you add a piece of wire, popped inside the plastic plug on top section ( multi core copper ) run it out to approximately 45 degrees and peg it; Also leave more wire out pointing to where on the compass you want to work. As now the antenna is mono directional not omni directional, the wire length I have used is 49ft so overall length is 66ft did this over a grassed area close to the beach. Signals were still as good but had another band, but what was on 80m was not really worth the effort, try it make your own mind up.
One other thing is when I lower the 1st section down the under 16ft so I can legally drive to another close location & set up again under a minute.
Next outing will fix the vertical to where bottom of pole is now 16 inches off the ground rather than 7 feet.
Have had this vertical on top of a 30ft winched up mast, above all the trees & buildings around my QTH no difference at all so going to try 16 inches off the deck both QTH & /P will
let you know how I got on next time out. One other thing where I go for working International contests I usually drop a counterpoise in the sea, so will be trying this as well then I'll have covered all my bases of operation. Please remember we are at the LOWEST point on the eleven year cycle foe operating radio & cannot wait till we start climbing back this is going to be a brilliant antenna investment ! 73 M6OXO