HAM RAdio solutions


Here above is Roy Trent M6ROY 1933-2017 sadly now silent key. Roy was a founder of Ham Radio Solutions although Roy was an M6. He had been involved in radio communications since 1963 along with myself Howard G4YKB. We couldn't have progressed the company to where we are today without Roy's vast knowledge, intuition and expertise.
For any 'League Of Gentlemen' fans, this picture was taken on our annual pilgrimage to the Hadfield War Memorial (Royston Vasey) as seen in the opening credits of the internationally famous T.V. show


I would like to introduce a very special friend David G4UNB based in Radcliffe, Lancashire. U.K.
Dave has been a G4 for 30 years plus and has had some of the best contacts throughout the world we have ever known, including the International Space Station and some of those elusive islands found throughout the South Pacific and Indian Oceans, Dave has an extensive radio station as can be seen in the images above. His antennas include a G4YKB long wire, a G4YKB allband vertical and a Fan dipole, running up to 400watts the U.K. legal limit on HF from his beloved Ranger HF Amplifier

Above is the station of G0TGR ,Dave in Bury Lancashire U.K. Dave is known to his radio friends as “Tigger” , He can be heard on the HF bands working the world and particularly his many friends in the USA along with his frequent contacts with Bob VP8LP on the Falkland Islands. Bob is famous for his reporting by amateur radio of the invasion of the Islands which led to the Falklands war.
Various antennas can be seen in the picture including a G4YKB long wire which is so covert it is difficult to even see it!

This is Jose EA4 inspecting His G4YKB multiband vertical on the roof of His house in sunny Barcelona Jose uses a Yaesu FT990 and an Ameritron amplifier at around 500 watts on HF.
We are able to ship all our antennas worldwide.
Shipping costs to are displayed on the purchase page and are visible prior to you completing any payment.
Important - please be aware you that may have to pay import duties in your country if your delivery address is outside the E.U.


These are two very good close friends:- Renae K9DOand Dave W9HW Both Renae and Dave are active on Ham radio along with the rest of their family. Dave is an enthusiastic restorer of vintage radio equipment. They have two shacks in their home in New Lennox Illinois, USA one dedicated to vintage equipment all fully restored and in full working order, plus a more "modern" collection in shack two. The pictures are of the "vintage shack" which I am sure you will agree is amazing and of great interest to the enthusiast.

Pictured here from left to right is Howard G4YKB looking cool in his shades, in the middle is Joe G0DUD and Ted G0AHR. This picture was taken in 1983 at the Ham Radio Convention, Birmingham National Exhibition Centre.

Above is a link to our friends at Modern Radio
Modern Radio was established over 60 years ago and supplies, electrical parts, electronic components, antennas, leads, plugs, adapters, everything you need for your hobby plus free sound advice.
They have recently re-located to Farnworth Bolton. Visit Modern radio in Gladstone Road Farnworth or online where you will find a mail order service for all your requirements.

This is Joshua, our 12-year-old computer genius who regularly rescues friends and family with their IT issues. Joshua has put many hours work into building our website and keeping it updated.