Got my best ever score on the WWCQDX contest on last weekend of October 2020 set at 5ft off ground on my cars tow bar at sea level. Actually got a few contacts on 80m with a manual tuner as
the Z817 would not tune up to the FT-817d to 80m but did managed well over 350 contacts & 48 countries running 3w.
Won QRP UK last year 14th Europe & 32 World again on his loop so hoping this year to make the top 5 Europe & top 10 in the world for 2020 won't find out till April. Got all three of Howards antennas long wire works from 4-160m most bands resonant. Howard made me a 10:1 balun for my 12m vertical, doubled up on counterpoise and has made it directional, wherever the counterpoises point that's where I'll be working, again very low noise levels been very handy from QTH inland but better close to the waters edge with the counter poise in the water fresh or salt as only 1% difference in velocity factors.
How long is your counterpoise?